Top 20 NuGet rest Packages

The .NET 4.5 client-side library for standard REST-like access to server entry points in Creative Thinking Inc web services
Server-side code for standard REST-like web calls in Creative Thinking Inc services framework. Provides classes that can act as the code-behind for an ASPX page, providing RPC-like web call entry points.
REST Api framework.
C# Passport Client
Detect browsers using user agent strings in .NET. Inspired by Bowser.
A dotNet client library for Marketo REST API.
Simple REST Api Connector for sending and receiving REST requests. Designed for .NET Framework applications
This is a library which wraps CRUD operations of REST API and saves the response in string format which can be serialized as per required format like XML or JSON
Simple REST Api Connector for sending and receiving REST requests. Designed for .NET Core applications
Micro-library for quick REST API development on ASP.NET Core.
The DeveloperForce.NetCore.Force NuGet provides a .NET library for interacting with Salesforce's REST APIs Compatible with ASP.Net Core.
A Simple HTTP Client for C# (UWP)
PasswordValidation is a lightweight password verification service for .Net.
Simple Rest and Soap Http Clients
HttpClient Wrapper
This SDK enables the the ALM Octane REST API to be manipulated using native C# code
Lightweight .NET component for Nancy to create simple rest-resources. The component decouples the module and the controller to make testing easier.