Top 20 NuGet response Packages

Improved mediator implementation in .NET
Mediator pattern using source generation for .NET
Postal is a code generator that generates strongly typed message contracts for request-response type protocols. Messages are serialized and deserialized using Protocol buffers.
Assists with validating responses from web APIs. E.g. by validation of JSON-schema etc.
ASP.NET Web API formatter for partial response (fields) JSON output.
Library helps to generate a trace ID string for the cross-microservice communication.
A .NET standard library to send and receive messages via named pipes encapsulating the inner mechanisms.
Middleware that provides HTTP request and response in plain string for logging purposes. Easy to use. Sync/Async support. No configuration is needed if used with ILogger<T>. The logging middleware can also be configured or inherited for a custom logger. Extension methods are included for easy setup ...
HTTP request response decoders
A Handy package for warapping EntityFrameworkCore in UnitOfWork.
Contentful Resolve Response (contentful-resolve-response) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
An implementation of an RFC-7807–compliant API Problem object.
Simple, unambitious mediator implementation in .NET, This fork implemented SendAll() method for sending message to all handlers.
Response Time (response-time) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
[Obsolete] User Lifecycle.AspNetCore. The Lifecycle library contains interfaces and helpers for wiring and running commands to execute during a web request lifecycle.
MvcCore - C# MVC Extensible Framework based on MvcCore PHP library.
Decompress Response (decompress-response) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Allows you to add cookies for IHttpActionResult in WebAPI controllers
This .NET Core library provides wrapper interfaces for the classes HttpContext, HttpRequest and HttpResponse.
Consistent API Response Errors (CARE) is an ASP.NET Core middleware that centralizes the handling of input-validation errors, application exceptions and unhandled exceptions. Simplifies the API controllers by containing only the calls for the appropriate business-login service (without the need of i...