Top 20 NuGet resources Packages
Enables ASP to read content files (e.g. .css, .js, .aspx) stored as embedded resources in referenced assemblies. This full package contrains additional bootstrap template code and settings for seamless integration into apps.
This package provides the functionality to utilize the features of Syncfusion® UWP Schedule control and more.
Provides useful methods for extracting information from and interacting with assemblies using reflection.
West Wind Globalization provides database localization providers for .NET 4.5+ and .NET Core 2+. This package also contains a number of Localization helpers to import and convert Resx resources, provide easy locale switching. Supported Db providers: Sql Server, SqLite, MySql.
For use in Web a...
Syncfusion SfSchedule for WPF is a UI control that can be used to schedule and manage appointments through an intuitive user interface like Outlook scheduling.
Key features:
• Supports five types of built-in views: day, work week, week, timeline, and month views to manage appointments.
• In-bu...
This library provides the ASP.NET specific components to the Westwind.Globalization library. It contains the ASP.NET Resource Providers (DbResourceSimpleProvider, DbResourceProvider), the JavaScript Resource Handler to serve ASP.NET resources to JavaScript client, the on-line Resource editor to allo...
Provides ASP.NET Core specific features to the Westwind.Globalization library, including IStringLocalizer interfaces, JavaScript Resource handler and an on-line Resource editor to allow real-time editing of data resources.
Note: In order to use the Localization Administration feature, please dow...
This project is the Web Starter project for Westwind.Globalization.Web. It includes a few sample resources you can use to verify that the dbResource provider is working and allows you to play with a sample page. It's recommended you start with this .Starter NuGet package - you can remove it after yo...
Bonsai System Library containing reactive infrastructure to interface with the underlying operating system.
Classes for Documenting and Managing Assemblies
An abp application module that allows users to share resources with each other.
An abp application module that allows users to share resources with each other.
An abp application module that allows users to share resources with each other.
An abp application module that allows users to share resources with each other.
Bonsai Design Library containing editor classes for IO and other system configurations.
Package Description
Class library providing a framework for building applications that can cooperate and solve problems in clusters. Communication between endpoints in clusters is performed using AES-256 encrypted datagrams over a predefined UDP Multicast channel. Only participants with access to the shared key can par...
An abp application module that allows users to share resources with each other.
An abp application module that allows users to share resources with each other.
An abp application module that allows users to share resources with each other.