Top 20 NuGet resharper Packages
Resharper 7.1.2 plugin for nbehave so that you can run and debug your features from Visual Studio
Shows the name and keyboard shortcuts of invoked actions.
Kontur.Billing Resharping
Resharper 7.01 plugin for nbehave so that you can run and debug your features from Visual Studio
MVC Annotation attributes for use with ReSharper, so you dont have to reference the ReSharper DLLs directly.
Build.Mvc is a helper extensions method library that turns the standard ASP .NET MVC 3.0 HtmlHelper methods into jQuery-style chainable methods that allow you to expressively add markup and style to your MVC application.
Applies the AIT Company Policy to the project.
Resharper annotations for the Common.Logging library.
ReSharper Annotations help reduce false positive warnings, explicitly declare purity and nullability in your code, deal with implicit usages of members, support special semantics of APIs in ASP.NET and XAML frameworks and otherwise increase accuracy of ReSharper code inspections.
All usages o...
A tool that converts ReSharper inspect code report to SonarQube format
This package is for projects on Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 to have design-time and compile-time warnings. It checks, that all reference parameters in methods and constructors have NotNull/CanBeNull attributes. You have to use Jetbrains.
Minimal ReSharper compiled extension that dectect if class name contains 'Foo' and displays a warning
Validation of contract annotations from JetBrains.Annotations and some added to them
Validation of contract annotations from JetBrains.Annotations and some added to them
Provides reuseable Resharper and Visual Studio Code Analysis rules and .gitignore files.