Top 20 NuGet request Packages
Library for parsing and serializing DNS messages. Includes a basic DNS client and server.
DEPRECATED - A .NET library of helpers and extensions for working with SOAP payloads in the Nancy web framework.
Integrate server backends with the Sinch backend.
Zero-trust security for every web app. Protect your ServiceStack web services/APIs with a multi-stage security pipeline that includes XSS detection, authentication, IP firewall, two-factor, activity/data authorization, account verification and suspension checks. To get started Visit https://ASPSecur...
Mediator implementation for loosely coupled in-process communication.
Zero-trust security for every web app. Protect MVC web apps and RESTful APIs with a multi-stage security pipeline that includes XSS detection, authentication, IP firewall, two-factor, activity/data authorization, account verification and suspension checks.
Available for all major platforms includ...
Use StructureMap as the IoC container for Mediator.Net
使用 .Net 根据部分 Python 库的设计思想来封装一些常用功能
Use. Net to encapsulate some common functions according to the design idea of some Python libraries
Simple request helper for HTTP requests.
Zero-trust security for every web app. Protect your ASP.NET MVC web apps with a multi-stage security pipeline that includes XSS detection, authentication, IP firewall, two-factor, activity/data authorization, account verification and suspension checks. To get started Visit
Zero-trust security for every web app. Protect your ASP.NET Web API services with a multi-stage security pipeline that includes XSS detection, authentication, IP firewall, two-factor, activity/data authorization, account verification and suspension checks. To get started Visit https://ASPSecurityKit...
Provides an implementation of the messaging gateway for decoupled invocation in the Paramore.Brighter pipeline, using RabbitMQ
DEPRECATED - A .NET library with helpers and extensions for the Nancy web framework.
Use MicrosoftDependencyInjection as the IoC container for Mediator.Net
The purpose of this library is to help developers with dependency injection per HTTP request context. This is currently not available via the default dependency injection infrastructure. A secondary goal is provide easy access to common infrastructure services such as security, logging, etc.
This is an opinionated approach that NativoPlus Studio handles request response pattern
Contains the execution middleware of the CoreKraft framework
Provides distributed message routing over Redis using StackExchange.Redis.
Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services:
- RedisAppMessageRouter.
Kephas Framework ("stone" in aramaic) aims to deliver a solid infrastructure for applications and application...
The Fetch_dotNET Class Library is a high level wrapper around the HttpWebRequest.
The library is currently compiled at .Net 4.5 so it should work with any application running .Net 4.5 and above.
Fetch_dotNET provides the Fetch API for your networking needs. Fetch will seem familiar if you have us...