Top 20 NuGet repository Packages

This is a private library with classes for interacting with data using Entity Framework.
This is an entity framework manager which assists in deploying base repository for models, caching of result and transaction base architecture
This package contains a selection of methods for getting products and categories in UCommerce. These methods differ from the default methods CatalogLibrary by getting all the product data in a single query to prevent multiple database queries.
This package working based a specific structure. all mapping classes must be inside context project.
Abstract code for EF repository pattern
Just a helper with persistence functions for a basic infrastructure using EF
Just a helper with some useful extensions
Provides tools and guidance for creating data access contexts and repositories.
SGRepository Generic
Generic interfaces for Repository and UnitOfWork patterns and implementation of the Command pattern with regards to database operations.
Template for new, empty MVC4 projects to integrate AngularJs, MVC4, WebApi. Implements a client side Repository pattern and C#-Like controllers.
A simple repository pattern implementation for entity framework code first.
API for CRUD operations on domain model objects.