Top 20 NuGet repository Packages
A generic Entity Framework repository with a fluent interface to provide a flexible query API. All the benefits of being able to build queries through method chaining without having to return IQueryable from the repository.
A simple implementation of the repository design pattern.
ComBoost.EntityFramework is Wodsoft's entity repository technology using Microsoft's EntityFramework for applications.
Base data classes to build data access layers with.
An EntityFramework generic repository with graph management
Repository Pattern Implementation for Amazon DynamoDB
Offering you a complete abstraction of the UnitOfWork-Pattern with the basic CRUD-Operations, the Repository Pattern and extended functions like CustomRepositores all in one small lib. Made for the Entity Framework.
The in-memory implementation for the generic repository.
Реализация стандартного CRUD на базы EF Code first.
Хелпер для авторегистрации репозиториев библиотеки Rikrop.Core.Data.
Repository Pattern For Frankstein
Repository Pattern For Frankstein
DCommon data adapter for Entity Framework
Toolkit with classes I collected over time and use, contains:
- the repository pattern with specifications and fetch strategy
- unit of work
- data object projection with linq
- data mapping
Repository wrapper for dapper
Simple implementation of Repository Pattern written in C#
Skahal.Infrastructure.Framework.Repositories.IRepository's EntityFramework implementation.
Biblioteca responsável por centralizar classes e métodos genéricos e padrões para acesso a banco de dados.