Top 20 NuGet repository Packages

EntityFramework-specific component of the CRUD.NET package family, providing support for DDD-inspired C.R.U.D. functionality of .NET REST APIs and Microservices
Api component of the CRUD.NET package family, providing support for DDD-inspired C.R.U.D. functionality of .NET REST APIs and Microservices
Repository pattern for Idea framework.
OpenShare.Net Repository Library. All repositories are tightly coupled to Entity Framework. Primary Keys have their own generic types to make creating new repositories easy, and for allowance of composite keys. Many basic Id based repositories for different types already exist and can be used as exa...
This is a Generic Repository pattern to be used with Entity Framework to work with any model and DbContext.
Forgotten system abstractions: Includes as sequence of MemberExpression, IRepository over IQueryable, Routine (smallest code unit reasonalbe to configure and trace dinamically)
Dapper.Extensions.Repository is an extensions to intergration with dapper-dot-net and MicroOrm.Dapper.Repositories.
File Management storage database solution implementing OrientDb provider.
File Management storage solution implementing S3 provider.
Premise is a library for .net core applications to support quick and easy scaffolding of applications. This package contains the neccessary classes to implement a generic repository pattern using Entity Framework.
CodeMash tools for .NET developers. Access tools from .NET
A tool to handle dependency trees with multiple git repositories without using submodules.
Componente de Framework Apolo es un componente que ofrece clases que definen el contrato para una implementacion de repository, unit of work, entity, etc. Debe ser referenciado en la capa de dominio bajo una arquitectura domain driven design.
This library contains an EventStoreDomainRepository based on a DomainRepository base class contained in EventStore.Tools.Infrastructure.Repository library. The two libraries combined are used to build Event Sourced components interacting with EventStore (GetEventStore)
This library contains an EventStoreDomainRepository based on a DomainRepository base class contained in 'Evento' library. The two libraries combined are used to build Event Sourced components interacting with EventStore database
Ixq.Data仓储层,基于Entity Framework实现的数据访问。
Mapping DTO to/from Entity with Generic Repository Pattern.