Top 20 NuGet repository Packages

Ever wanted to use a flat-file NOSQL database? Here you'll find a repository-pattern-like IOC-ready set of tools, (among others), to give you this esoteric functionality
Classes and interfaces to jumpstart using PetaPoco with the Repository Pattern
Classes and interfaces to jumpstart using PetaPoco with the Repository Pattern
Simple Lightweight Data Searching Library. SLiDS can be used for quick access to data. Data can be placed in an SQL database or memory (Runtime). It is also possible to cache data from an SQL database in memory.
Abstractions for advanced repository and unit of work patterns.
A lightweight and flexible Repository / UnitOfWork framework.
A specification library for Rochas.DapperRepository implementation
C# data access you'll love.
BJoin Application Repository
A .NET 8.0 collection of data access interfaces. Useful to avoid infrastructure data dependency,
Repository Abstraction for the Neo4jClient Library
Repository and Entity Base for MongoDB Applications Caching, standardized Methods, Easy Entity Access and Manipulation
Provides static wrapper for repository factory for those who cannot or do not want to use dependency injection
This UnityRepo is a UnityOfWork package gives a lite way to interact with sql server with fluent API. It runs upon EntityFramework 5 to up.
An in-memory implementation of Hektonian.DataSource
An Entity Framework Core implementation of Hektonian.DataSource
Provides static wrapper for MySql repository factory for those who cannot or do not want to use dependency injection
Provides static wrapper for Ms SqlServer repository factory for those who cannot or do not want to use dependency injection。SqlRepoEx Provides Lambda Turn to Full SQL statement(Select,Union,Join etc.) 。
Provides Adapter For Dapper,SqlRepoEx Provides Lambda Turn to Full SQL statement(Select,Union,Join etc.) ;