Top 20 NuGet render Packages
Use Razor to build your templates from strings / files / EmbeddedResources outside of ASP.NET MVC for .NET Core
MacOS (CoreGraphics) backend for NGraphics
React Addons Pure Render Mixin (react-addons-pure-render-mixin) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
System.Drawing (GDI+) backend for NGraphics
iOS (CoreGraphics) backend for NGraphics
NGraphics is a cross platform library for rendering vector graphics on .NET. It provides a unified API for both immediate and retained mode graphics using high quality native renderers.
Extension for Red for rendering .ecs files
Extension for Red for rendering markdown/commonmark files as responses
Extension for Red for rendering Handlebars templates as responses
Dynamic iOS-like blur of underlying Views for Xamarin.Android
A cross-platform library for rendering SVG files using SVGSharpie and DynamicPDF; written in C#
HtmlRenderer.PdfSharp.Core is a partial port of HtmlRenderer.PdfSharp for .NET Core
Xamarin.Mac CoreGraphics drawing backend for LiteHtmlSharp
Fabric.js is a powerful and simple Javascript HTML5 canvas library that provides interactive object model on top of canvas elements and also has an SVG-to-canvas (and canvas-to-SVG) parser included.
.NET Core library to render 3d scenes using OpenTK (OpenGL).
Use Razor to build your templates from strings / files / EmbeddedResources outside of ASP.NET MVC for .NET Core
Extension for DynamicImage that can render 3D scenes
A Veil parser for the Handlebars template syntax