Top 20 NuGet redis Packages

.Net Redis Cache with support for tagging
JSON+LZ4 ValueConverter for CloudStructures(a Redis Client as wrapped StackExchange.Redis).
IdentityServer3 - Cache.Redis is a library that includes the implementation for client, scope, and user stores using Redis as distribuited cache system.
A implementation of .NET's ObjectCache for Redis. Uses StackExchange.Redis. Works with Azure Redis Cache.
Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps.
.NET Redis Cache with support for tagging
Protobuf serializer for TagCache.Redis
Easily spin up Redis instances for integration tests in .NET
Redis implementation of InceptionCache ICacheProvider
Redis Cache implementation of ICache for Second Level Cache for Entity Framework 6.1 nuget package. Basically an extension for "EntityFramework.Cache"
Redis token cache repository for Thinktecture identity
Redis checkers and metrics for Hihaj.HealthCheck.
A simlpe .Net client for the Disque in-memory distributed queue.
A simple service to manage cache values in Redis. If cache key doesn't exist, "get" methods will use the delegate parameter to acquire data and cache it in Redis. It currently supports keys and hash sets.
Two-layer caching strategy (MemoryCache + Redis) for ASP.NET applications
A flexible implementation of the Redlock algorithm that can be adapted to work with other data-stores.
Redis provider for ScarletLock, a flexible implementation of the Redlock algorithm that can be adapted to work with other data-stores.
The BrakePedal.Redis package contains an implementation of a Redis BrakePedal repository which uses StackExchange.Redis ( for use with the BrakePedal library.
FlipperDotNet is a feature-flagging system. This package makes use of Redis as a storage backend.
Based StackExchange.Redis expansion libraries. The main technology is that when the object is stored in database to be split into individual Hash.