Top 20 NuGet recaptcha Packages

A Google reCAPTCHA service for ASP.NET Core. Keep bots away from submitting forms or other actions in just a few steps.
Google reCAPTCHA control implementing IValidator interface for use in ASP.NET projects.
reCAPTCHA4net allows to easily integrate Google reCAPTCHA (the most popular CAPTCHA service) into ASP.NET web application (both Web Forms or ASP.NET MVC are supported). It supports updated reCAPTCHA API, which provides the No CAPTCHA experience.
Check reCAPTCHA response in .Net
Google Recaptcha middleware for OpenIdConnect (IdentityServer)
Captcha generator class library
Google ReCaptcha v2.0 for ASP.NET Core MVC. Keep your site secure.
Extends CloudflareSolverRe, contains captcha providers (2Captcha, AntiCaptcha) that helps solving cloudflare captcha challenge.
RecaptchaDotnet is a simple and easy to use recaptcha verification for core and .net apps.
ReCaptcha.NET provides a .NET wrapper library for Google's reCaptcha ( API.
This is a fork of Recaptcha for .Net. I've added a fix to always respect the useSsl boolean. Please revert to original maintainer's package when his serves your purpose, as it is unlikely I will update this package, and the code belongs to Tanveer Yousuf. For more information see the following is...
Free .NET library for Google ReCaptcha v2.0 verification
A package that provides ASP.NET MVC applications with helper methods for including and verifying Google reCAPTCHA codes
Google ReCaptcha v2.0 for .NET Core
Google Recaptcha Owin Middleware
Easy Google ReCaptcha wrapper for MVC My try to make it easy to implement the google ReCaptcha service for a MVC Website. For Samples see the project site.
Easy Google ReCaptcha wrapper for MVC Core My try to make it easy to implement the google ReCaptcha service for a MVC Website. For Samples see the project site.
Cloudflare Javascript & reCaptcha challenge (I'm Under Attack Mode or IUAM) solving / bypass .NET Standard library.
.NET Standard service for verifying Google ReCaptcha
A library allowing a simple integration in ASP.NET Core of Google's reCAPTCHA tools.