Top 20 NuGet rebus Packages

Provides a Protobuf message serializer for Rebus
MySQL based persistence for Rebus
Provides a LightInject container adapter for Rebus
Provides an Outbox abstraction for Rebus
Provides an implementation of Rebus.Outbox abstraction using MS SQL Server as an outbox storage
MAD.NET Collection Extensions
MAD.NET Reflection Extensions
MAD.NET Reflection Extensions
simple wpf shell implementations for a modular wpf app.
simple service for connect a path to a virtual/logical drive letter.
simple service for connect a path to a virtual/logical drive letter.
simple wpf app implementations for a modular wpf app.
wpf grid view extensions mvvm-c implementations.
wpf items control extensions mvvm-c implementations.
wpf media extensions mvvm-c implementations.
wpf navigation extensions with a simple naming conventional view locator.
wpf textbox extensions mvvm-c implementations.
wpf ui element extensions mvvm-c implementations.
wpf window extensions mvvm-c implementations.
Package Description