Top 20 NuGet reader Packages
DelimiterReader is the csv-format parser
Supported file types are: .vbproj, .csproj, .fsproj, .sln, .cs, .vb, .fs
A .NET DDS (Direct Draw Surface) reader and converter.
Extension functions package for IDataReader implementations.
Simple, framework-version-independent XML-based parser of csproj files. Works with traditional .NET Framework csproj files (old and new) and modern .NET core csproj files
The implementation of Hobsons infrastructure services. Currently includes encryption and configuration reader services.
Monads (Maybe, Either, State, Reader, Writer) and monad combinators (Sequence, Sequence_, ReplicateM, ReplicateM_, MapM, MapM_, FoldM, FoldM_, ZipWithM, ZipWithM_, ForM, FilterM, LiftM, LiftM2, LiftM3, LiftM4, LiftM5, Join, When, Unless, Forever, Void, Ap, Compose, Guard, MFilter, MSum) in C#
Read settings from app.config or web.config file.
Wrapper for reading and writing Excel files with ease using C#
Parser to read INI configuration files. This file format is less verbose to load initialization configuration such as database connections, server ports, ids and paths.
A big-endian BinaryReader/Writer implementation for .NET.
A .NET Standard 2.0 library for reading PDF files.
Fast, Simple, Typed table reader for SAP
This package contains extensions to use NvdaTestingDriver with Selenium WebDriver. NVDA needs the browser window to be in the foreground, and it also needs any element to take the focus in order to analyze it. This package includes functions to do both.
write an object enumerable to csv and read back allowing to use linq
Provides the ability to List items in Concurrent manner.
Simple tool for reading and writing .csv files.
Provides the ability to List items in Concurrent manner.