Top 20 NuGet read Packages
ClosedXML TableReader is a ClosedXML extension to read Excel tables to dotnet dataTable or generic typed collection
.NET Standard library for reading .NET solution and project files.
Image Extract - It extracts all the images into a folder
Pdf Splitter-Split the page with option of EachPage,EvenPage ,OddPage and PageRange
SetPassword-Set the password to a pdf file
Read comments
Useful set of extensions and classes for simplifying and optimizing read-write synchronization.
Part of the "Open" set of libraries.
A .NET Standard 2.0 library for reading, writing and editing PDF files.
This is a modified fork based on several OSS projects. For more information see the license.
File parser designed to read text files line-by-line, saving each line's content into basic types vars (int, double, string, etc.).
The Package is for PowerPoint.
1.Comments Add
2.Comments Read
3.Comments Delete
4.Slide Extractor
5.Execute Macro
6.Edit Text
11. Delete Image
ExpressSettingsCore is the .NET Core implementatio of Express Settings. Express settings allows you quick prototyping of applications that relies on fetching configurations from settings file. Express settings is seamless to integrate and requires mearly 1 line to read or write settings. It creates ...
A set of tools and "controls" for the .net Console. It contains: List Input/Output Controls, Text Input/Output Controls, Progress Bar, Spinner, Data Table, Prompter, Menus, etc.
A library extending Magneto with implementations of ICacheStore backed by implementations from Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.
A data access library for .NET combining the mediator pattern and the query object pattern, with caching, async and easy mocking of queries and commands.
FluentFiles is a library for reading and writing fixed-width or delimited text files.
EFCore.Toolkit is a library which provides implementations for EntityFrameworkCore best practices, patterns, utilities and extensions.
A simple library which is designed to make working with files more efficent and reliable.
Extensions to expose lists, collections, dictionaries, and enumerables as read-only.
A Process Memory reader and writer for .NET
Library made to easily interact with local or remote process (memory, thread etc...)
The implementations of Common Web Infrastructure. See README on github.
An extension for the FluentFiles.FixedLength package that enables attribute-based configuration.
An extension for the FluentFiles.Delimited package that enables attribute-based configuration.