Top 20 NuGet reactiveui Packages

A ReactiveUI navigation library for Xamarin.Forms
Custom navigation for Xamarin using Reactive Extensions
Makes RxUI work with FreshMvvm
Custom navigation for Xamarin using Reactive Extensions
This package provides a base class for implementing Popup Pages using the Rg.Plugins.Popup package with ReactiveUI.XamForms.
Opiniated Commons Library For ReactiveUI
Opiniated Commons Library For ReactiveUI.XamForms
Autofac adapter for ReactiveUI, including Splat dependency resolver and registration extensions.
BMSF Reactive Validation is a library for creating composable, reactive, asynchronous validators powered by ReactiveUI.
BMSF AutoComplete controls are WPF controls for asynchronous reactive textbox autocompletion and in-place searching.
Fody extension to generate RaisePropertyChange notifications for properties and ObservableAsPropertyHelper properties.
Add all views and viewmodels with one call and enable constructor injection
A .Net library for composing reactive collections providing monadic types to support LINQ.