Top 20 NuGet razor Packages

Nmp is a templating macro processor that allows you to generated text fragments or entire files. This package contains the core assemblies required to host Nmp in a .Net project.
A lightweight framework for ASP.NET Web Pages.
Simple Razor ScriptManager, including combining, caching and minification
The Razor Client Templates library allows you to reuse your Partial Razor Views as client side (JavaScript) templates.
MvcPages combines the simplicity of ASP.NET Web Pages with the power of ASP.NET MVC. Use model binding, model validation, strongly-typed HTML helpers, editor and display templates, etc. directly from your Razor pages, no need for routes or controllers. See the README file for installation i...
Balíček obsahuje česká satelitní sestavení pro ASP.NET Razor.
이 패키지에는 ASP.NET Razor용 한국어 위성 어셈블리가 포함되어 있습니다.
Bu paket, ASP.NET Razor için Türkçe yardımcı derlemeleri içerir.
Library for rendering Javascript from Razor Syntax
*NO LONGER NECESSARY* Unofficial build of System.Web.Razor (purely for licensing reasons)
Replacement/placeholder for System.Web
Use within ASP.NET MVC Razor Views to let your Partial Views and Html Helpers insert their scripts, style sheets, and other content into the appropriate areas of the page. Often their locations are defined in a different View file such as the master page.
Provides a configurable and extendable localization service that can wrap around virtually any localization strategy. Package comes wired up for resx-based localization along with a set of HtmlHelper extensions providing contextual localization for string and even inline content markup.
Include base constructions of zapos, like abstract document styles or description of the document model.
Constructors.Razor parse markup from razor .cshtml to abstract document model. Abstract model used on Printer.Gembox part of Zapos.
Printer.Gembox - small part of Zapos, responsible for converting report from abstract document model. Supports file formats: XLSX (XlsxPrinter) and PDF (PdfPrinter).
Make databind between your .NET classes properties and your own template (Xml, Yml, ...) See documentation on
ContentEditableMvc lets you use the power of the HTML5 contenteditable attribute and Ajax to make content changes client side.
Url and data bindings for WebPages Razor pages
This provides a set of helper methods that will enable you to easily replace the default way of searching views with the CommonSenseRazor convention of finding views.