Top 20 NuGet ravendb Packages

Generic tools for RavenDbAuditing
Generic tools for RavenDb
EventSourcing with RavenDb
Extends Verify ( to allow verification of RavenDB bits.
Extensions of AspNetCore for supporting nested Startups, with separate Services
Provides NodaTime support for the RavenDB Server.
Represents a connection to RavenDB database for FastReport.OpenSource. This package will not be updated. The FastReport.Data.RavenDB package now includes a connector for all versions of the FastReport product: FastReport .NET, FastReport.Core, FastReport.OpenSource, FastReport.CoreWin (.Net Core ...
Represents a connection to RavenDB database for FastReport.Core. This package will not be updated. The FastReport.Data.RavenDB package now includes a connector for all versions of the FastReport product: FastReport .NET, FastReport.Core, FastReport.OpenSource, FastReport.CoreWin (.Net Core 3.1 an...
Write Serilog events to a RavenDB database.
Represents a connection to RavenDB database. Shared Plugin for all versions of FastReport product: FastReport .NET, FastReport.Core, FastReport.OpenSource, FastReport.WPF, FastReport.Avalonia. Requirements: Any FastReport 2025.1.20.0+ package, NuGet Client 3.4.4+
Making it simple to customize Hosting for your .NET 6.x+ application
RavenDB 'Temporal Versioning' bundle. Allows for tracking of changes to entities at different effective dates.
Contains dlls and sources for RavenDB Persistence Provider: RavenDBProvider which implements interfaces: IPersistenceProvider, ISchemePersistenceProvider and IWorkflowGenerator. Steps for workflow runtime configuration with RavenDBProvider:
RavenDB user/role store management implementation for ASP.NET Core identity provider.
Raven Migrations is a migration framework for RavenDB to help with updates to your database objects.
BrickPile is a lightweight CMS built on RavenDB and ASP.NET MVC 5
Drop in persistence with RavenDb for FubuMVC / StructureMap applications
Yarn RavenDB Provider
Migrations for RavenDB
Проект для облегчения создания приложений использующих Autofac и RavenDB \ Mongo \ NHibernate