Top 20 NuGet raven Packages

Provider for Common.Logging Library to Sentry Raven
Contributed addons for the RavenDB Client Library
This library provides a set of F# workflows to make it easier for you to capture and log exceptions and slow execution times to Sentry.
Custom serialization when NMoneys objects are to be serialized/deserialized using RavenDB.
SilverRaven is a Silverlight client for Sentry ( and
SharpRaven Light is a lightweight .NET client for Sentry.
Raven JS (raven-js) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Raven binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
MiniProfiler: Profiler storage for RavenDB
Helps simplify the interaction with Raven's real-time endpoints.
This package helps you connect to RavenDb database.
Functional wrapper around the RavenDB client API
An ASP.NET session-state store-provider implementation using RavenDB for persistence.
Core engine for stand-alone RavenDB index builder, used in CI systems and automated deployments.
Generic Repository Pattern implementation with base classes for RavenDb
RavenDB Client Integration for Geo
This is a RavenDB base implementation of a ResidenceStore. It stores residence information in a RavenDB.
Provides advanced saga mapping functionality for Particular Software's NServiceBus Framework.
Компонент хранения данных в RavenDB для Zen.Core
Using RavenDB Our Way