Top 20 NuGet rabbitmq Packages

RabbitClient is a custom wrapper for the RabbitMq client and allows any developer to connect, publish, send and consume messages in an easy and straightforward way
Synapse Rpc System Base RabbitMQ
Dummy ASP.Net Core client and/or server for MassTransit using MassTransit.RabbitMq.Extensions.Hosting
CQELight.Buses.RabbitMQ provides an implementation of a client and a server for RabbitMQ message queuing, based on CQELight abstractions, to communicate throught RabbitMQ instance.
Customizable sink for Serilog that will post detailed messages and their properties to a RabbitMQ exchange.
An EventBus base on netstandard2
Auditlog extensions for minor.nijn.webscale
RabbitMQ implementation of the Messaging interfaces
.NET Core strongly typed RabbitMQ integration library
Simple message queue manager that works with RabbitMQ
RabbitMQ provider for Kledex message bus.
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A simplified client for working with RabbitMQ.Client. Supports both "fire and forget" and RPC calls.
Pacote para utilização em Web APIs ou Console Application AspNetCore, esta biblioteca está pré-configurada para inserção, leitura, e armazenamento de Logs de processos em Fila no RabbitMQ
A lightweight RabbitMQ library wrapper
An EventBus base on RabbitMq