Top 20 NuGet rabbitmq Packages

Feedeem event bus is a library for defining event and event handle, event bus for RabbitMQ use Autofac DI.
A library for the event-bus communication by using RabbitMQ
Những method thường dùng của RabbitMQ Net Core
This Package Contain Useful Library And Method For Easy Develop High Tech .Net Application. ForExample : Implementation Of MSM Queue, Rabbit MQueue, ...
An extension to EasyNetQ that allows you to utilize message headers, without resorting to AdvancedBus!
Plato.Redis deployment package
Custom log4net appender publishing log messages on to RabbitMQ in GELF format. A simple way to integrate your logging with
Need to use the rabbit management http api? Don't jump through hoops.
Provides NLog logging integration for Chinchilla, the little library that makes RabbitMQ awesome.
Burrows is a distributed application framework for .NET forked from MassTransit.
Autofac integration for burrows. Burrows is a distributed application framework for .NET forked from MassTransit.
NHibernate persistence integration for burrows. Burrows is a distributed application framework forked from MassTransit.
SimpleAmqpClient is an easy-to-use C++ wrapper around the rabbitmq-c C library. It derives inspiration from the puka AMQP library in that it abstracts away the underlying AMQP wire concept of channels and uses them as an error/consumer scope. This should make writing simple single-threaded AMQP-enab...
Model for IntegrationServer, an asynchronous job scheduling server.