Top 20 NuGet queue Packages

This is a small library that implements a meldable priority queue and a generalizable A* search algorithm on top of that. The performance is good. It targets PCL profile 111.
Package contains some data-structures (vector - dynamic array, list - double-linked list) and adapters (stack, queue, dequeue). Those classes will be used in Aliss - project allows create model of Descrete-Event Systems (queuing systems). Some methods described with complexity.
!!! Note that this package will no longer be updated with the package name 'wastorage.v140' after version 4.0.0. The package is renamed to 'Microsoft.Azure.Storage.CPP.v140' !!! The new package can be found in: This clie...
A powerful library of immutable and persistent data structures for the .NET platform.
Extension class for Azure StorageException to extract usefull information embedded inside the StorageException object by Azure Storage services on a failed request. Provides StorageException extension methods to extract: - ErrorCode - ETag - ExtendedErrorMessage - FailedOperationIndex (of ...
A simple and super efficient priority queue
Simple abstraction layer for AmazonSQS, RabbitMQ, MemoryQueue and FileQueue
Simple abstraction layer for AmazonSQS, RabbitMQ, MemoryQueue and FileQueue
.NET asynchronous worker to schedule many "async" work in an easy way
PushAll API for .Net
Unobtrusive games oriented Message Queue. MQLight was designed for use in games (specifically XNA / monogame), but is thread safe and has been used in business applications. NOTE: Please make sure to call the Update method at the top of your game's update loop. Business applications can simply cal...
Top-quality toolkit of algorithms and data structures for .NET developers.
Additional collections ('a zoo of collections') that extend the collections provided by .NET
A library providing an interface and implementations for message queuing.
Task queue
Library to push messsages to Kafka or Rabbit MQ
Double Ended Queue for C# ( Look on project site for more information