Top 20 NuGet quality Packages

Track and classify technical debt at the source code level and report on it.
Maintained fork from the original project, compiled target to latest framework 4.6 and strong name signing enabled. Image Processor is an easy to use and extend processing library written in C#. Its fluent API makes common imaging tasks very simple to perform. Methods include; Resize, Rotate, Roun...
This package contains the Data3Sixty extension for the testing framework NBi (check at
Adds a self cleaning cache to ImageProcessor.Web that uses Amazon S3 Buckets to store processed images. If you use ImageProcessor.Web please get in touch via my twitter @james_m_south Feedback is always welcome
Log4Net appender to Quilt4Net. Assure quality in .net systems.
BugSense is the leading crash reporting and quality metrics service for mobile apps. This is the official plugin for Windows XAML Universal Applications 8.1.
Provides a way to parse html or csv tagged corpuses and get confusion matrix from corpuses comparison. For more information
.Net library for testing, cleaning, researching and inferring links between personal data used in genealogy.
A quality tool for testing conventions in .NET web apps & libraries Web Crop Image Control allows developers to build image cropping functionality easily on their projects. You can seamlessly crop images and yet provide your visitors the most user friendly web interface by simply doing drag and drop in your projects.
DependencyAnalysis is a software testing tool for architectural constraints. Who are you? You are a software developer. You feel a special interest in test driven development, clean code and software architecture. What do you want? What you can see in your every day work, is the code quality ...
When the application with Rate My App component is started for the 5th time, a dialog for reviewing the app is shown to the user. If the user declines to review the app, he/she will be given the option to provide direct feedback to the developer. On the 10th run of the app, if a review was not alrea...
Interpretes image requests and returns different formats and qualities depending on the request header information - Return webp if the browser supports it - Return jpeg if png, gif or bmp is requested - Return lower quality depending on a cookie value in the request - Return...
The Applause SDK closes the feedback loop between app creators, testers and users, ensuring high-quality apps. With build distribution, in-app bug reporting, automated crash reporting and in-app user feedback, this easy-to-install SDK works seamlessly with your existing workflows to show the informa...
A simple Roslyn analyzer which reports warnings at 250 LoC or errors az 500 LoC in C# files.
A testing suite for testing UX functionality of web apps.