Top 20 NuGet python Packages
Operate Python from C#
Py/WinRT is a tool for generating a Python projection of any Windows Runtime library. Py/WinRT is designed to provide Python developers with first-class access to the modern Windows API.
Python 2.7 build for android.
Operate Chainer from C#
A compiler which can generate a new assembly following the code convention of Python
Python 3.8 API
Microsoft Python Parsing Library
This project is analog of Python's gnsscal package. It provide three most popular GnssDate types such as GpsDate, BdsDate, YearDoY. And, of course, it provide Extensions to type casting.
Dynamic Scripting Language in C#
Python 2.7 build for android.
Code samples that accompany the AWS blog post on jsii
Code samples that accompany the AWS blog post on jsii
Python 3.8.5 customized build by Opteamizer