Top 20 NuGet provider Packages

Tencent open authentication provider for
CommonProvider is a simple library that gives you an easy and consistent way of loading and accessing your providers/strategies.
A shared library with web security tiny membership providers and base functionality for building ASP.NET custom membership providers. Currently it holds only XML membership providers - a migration of ASP.NET XMLProviders for .NET 4
Reads and checks connection strings.
Portkit.Authorization is a library which provides a generic implementation of an authorization service.
An Adc provider for the MCP3008 chip for use with Windows IoT Core. This project is originally created by Microsoft, but placed into Nuget by Chris Pietschmann since he wanted to use it, but for some reason Microsoft hasn't actually put it into Nuget yet.
NRII open authentication provider for
This package adds SharePoint client object model assembly references and token helper code to the ASP MVC Web API project for SharePoint Online. These items make it easier to develop the web project if the web project needs to access data from the SharePoint Add-in.
A Service Stack Auth provider that authenticates using a JWT and Auth0.
Async version SQL OutputCache Provider
The experimental SQLite database engine for both x86 and x64 along with the ADO.NET provider with support ICU.
The SQLite database engine for both x86 and x64 along with the ADO.NET provider with enable FTS5 extension by default.
Consul configuration provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration. Allows reading Asp.Net.Core app configuration from Consul Key-Value store
In .Net 4.6.2, enables developer plug in async version of SessionState module which is a good fit for the non-in-memory SessionState data store. This SessionState provider uses CosmosDB as the data store and leverages async database operation to provide better scability.
Server API for responding to OData queries and consuming/producing OData payloads based on entity framework version 6.0 or higher Supports OData v3. Targets .NET 4.0.
This package is used for handling OAuth authentication in your Bot based on Microsoft Bot Framework and BotBuilder libraries. It contains a Azure AD B2C authentication provider and is dependent on TRIPRO.BotFramework.Auth.AspNetCore. Documentation and samples are given in Github repository - https:/...