Top 20 NuGet protobuf Packages

ProtoBuf serialization for PushoverQ.
A portable text and binary serialization library for flat POCOs
The command and router of MowaInfo Protocol Buffer Socket. It's a partial of MowaInfo.ProtoSocket.
Protocol Buffers are a way of encoding structured data in an efficient yet extensible format.
EloquentObjects client and server with Protobuf serializer (using protobuf-net).
Waves protobuf schemas repository adaptation for CSharp.
protobuf-net (de)serialization support for Ardalis.SmartEnum.
A self-describing wrapper around protobuf-net.
The LINQ extension over protobuf-net
ProtoBufMessageSerializer is a message serializer for MassTransit( that uses the Protobuf-net library(
Looking for a way to display and manipulate real-time in a GUI?
Stacks - reactive actor/network library
Castle ZeroMQ Facility for Castle Windsor - allows one to make remote invocation using zmq as transport and protobuf (by default) as persistence. For more info see
You can use StreamCryptor to encrypt and decrypt files without size limit and the need to load every file completely into memory. StreamCryptor uses FileStream to read and write files in chunks, there is also an asynchronous implementations for progress reporting available. Files are encrypted in...
ProtoBuf message serialization / deserialization for RedFoxMQ
Protobuf serializer for TagCache.Redis