Top 20 NuGet progress Packages

Another progress bar to console application
The base library for all BigEgg's projects.
Collection of simple pieces of reusable code designed such that dependencies aren't forced upon consumers of its packages. Package is shipped as source code.
An async implementations of delegate command and other base common classes for WPF.
RoundCornered ProgressBar using PictureBox
RoundCornered ProgressBar using PictureBox
The extension library for console program.
Provides the function to update property and automatically notify it changed, when the progress status or result information reported from the outside.
Binding iOS CircleProgressBar
A small C# library to display updatable progress and logs in command line application
Language interface for using the HALCON library in .NET applications. Supports .NET 3.5+ and .NET Core 3.0.
SVProgressHUD (and BTProgressHUD) is a clean and easy-to-use HUD meant to display the progress of an ongoing task.
Language interface for using the HALCON HDevelop Engine in .NET applications.
This is a simple console based progress bar which allows for long running tasks to be tracked. The original codebase was created by DanielSWolf and extended by Brad Lindsay.
Copy and move files/folders functionality with reporting a progress
Provides an implementation of IProgress<T> which does nothing fancy. A synchronization context isn't captured. The thread pool isn't touched. Progress reports are simply handed off to an event in the order they are received.
A Numeric Up Down Column with Progress view for WinForms DataGridView