Top 20 NuGet profiler Packages

The .NET Memory Profiler API can be used to retrieve memory usage information, perform memory assertions, and collect memory snapshots from within a profiled process. This API is intended to be used for automatic memory testing with the help of .NET Memory Profiler or NmpCore. The SciTech.NmpDataC...
MiniProfiler: Integration for Entity Framework Classic 7
Insider exporting your application state and metrics via Web UI.
MiniProfiler integration for Entity Framework. This package is Obsolete. Please use the MiniProfiler.EF5 or MiniProfiler.EF6 package instead.
ASP.NET MVC3 specific package for the Lightweight mini-profiler. We attempt to automatically hook up as much as possible including EF code first. This package is optional.
Trace Profiler for .net
Glimpse Plugin for PetaPoco
A simple C# benchmarking framework. See for usage information and source code.
This package contains a plugin for Glimpse to show detailed MiniProfiler information in a tab.
Lightweight mini-profiler, in particular designed for ASP.NET WebForms sites using .NET Framework 3.5
MiniProfiler35 integration for ADO.NET
Profiler panel.
Automatically supports profiling all methods called on interfaces resolved from an Autofac IoC container.
NHibernate drivers to support integration with MiniProfiler.
Lightweight mini-profiler, in particular designed for ASP.NET MVC sites (then ported to support .NET 3.5 Webforms sites)
RemoteStorage for StackExchange's MiniProfiler. Sends Profiling and timing information asynchronously to the remote backend service. See for backend & analysis tool
Measure execution time by regions of code
MiniProfiler extensions and helpers for RavenDb
MiniProfiler extensions and helpers for ASP.NET MVC 4+