Top 20 NuGet profile Packages
OIO Basic Privilege Profile Parser
Easy benchmarks that are statistically accurate
Artem ASP.NET XML membership providers for .NET 4.0.
Trace Profiler for .net
A shared library with web security tiny membership providers and base functionality for building ASP.NET custom membership providers. Currently it holds only XML membership providers - a migration of ASP.NET XMLProviders for .NET 4
Store user profiles and roles in MongoDB storage. And allow easy access to use thems from MemberShipProvider, ProfileProvider, RoleProvider in ASP.NET Project on github:
Extends the fantastic MiniProfiler and adds functionality to make it easy to use in windows based applications (E.g. console applications).
A shared library with web security tiny membership providers and base functionality for building ASP.NET custom membership providers. Currently it holds only XML membership providers - a migration of ASP.NET XMLProviders for .NET 4
A build task to create a wrapper for the Profile in Web Application Projects.
Interceptor for CodeCop that automatically integrates MiniProfiler onto each intercepted method.
A shared library with web security tiny membership providers and base functionality for building ASP.NET custom membership providers. Currently it holds only XML membership providers - a migration of ASP.NET XMLProviders for .NET 4
RenderDoc integration for Veldrid. Provides access to RenderDoc's in-application API. Can be used to configure, collect, and save RenderDoc capture files, and to launch and manage the RenderDoc replay UI application.
This library can be used to ad an extension method to IConfigurationBuilder to generate configuration object from Json files on the basis on active profiles set in environment variable APPLICATION_ACTIVE_PROFILES
Yet another tool for profiling and time tracking
Automatically creates an AutoMapper profile by Reflection.