Top 20 NuGet procedure Packages

Clase que permite ejecutar un procedimiento almacenado
A little library to call methods from a runtime array.
Sdk for Fast.Sql models
Sql execution based on models
T4 templates supporting "SP/TSQL First" approach to working with DB engines (version for SqlServer).
This library blurs the distinction between calling local and remote methods. It's fast, efficient, and avoids limitations of SOAP-based protocols such as WCF. Source code and documentation will be made available shortly.
How to Read from a Stored Procedure in the Controller
SqlQuery library to query SQL Server stored procedures faster, easier and quicker
Package Description
Stored Procedure T-SQL command to search the database by Table Name for a particular String Value
This package contains the below activities . It make you easy to retrieve the data from the Informix database. you can use stored procedure also the activities. 1. Execute DataTable- This bring the information from database even you use the direct query or stored procedure. 2. Execute NonQuery-It he...