Top 20 NuGet prism Packages

Library contains classes for Prism applications.
Provides MFractor Config for Prism applications
Wide framework allows you to build your application by creating PRISM modules which participate in building the IDE. This way you can modularize the code for each part of your application. For more details:
Provides interaction notifications for file io.
Version for .NET 4.0
Epsiloner.Wpf.Navigation is a framework similar to Prism for building loosely coupled, maintainable, testable XAML application in WPF with objects as parameters. Provides a design pattern that are helpful in writing well-structured and maintainable applications. It allows to have each pa...
A wrapper what is easy using Prism.
Utility library for WPF projects with Prism
UniversalPrism is a framework for building loosely coupled, maintainable, and testable XAML applications in Windows 10 UWP. This library is based on PrismLibrary and Template10
A Prism IoC helper packages to be able to easily register types for dependency injection.
Extends Prism by adding a fluent interface for advanced and conditional navigation.
Package Description
Regions helper for PrismTaskPanes
This is a Prism Interactivity library ported for Windows Phone 7.1 RC.
This is a Prism Extension to support LightCore as a ServiceLocator in Prism
This is a Prism library ported for Windows Phone 7.1 RC.
This package adds support for Ninject to the Prism library for Windows Phone 7.1 RC.