Top 20 NuGet presentation Packages

The "Cocktail Async Pack for Visual Studio 2012" enables Cocktail/DevForce 2010 projects targeting .NET Framework 4.0 or Silverlight 5 to use the Async language feature in C# 5 and Visual Basic 11. This pack requires Visual Studio 2012 and will not work with Visual Studio 2010.
Cocktail is an application development platform that takes the pain out of the development of data-driven rich XAML applications.
Cocktail is an application development platform that takes the pain out of the development of data-driven rich XAML applications.
A startup sample for Caliburn.Micro using Windsor
This library simplifies the implementation of the layer by providing an engine that converts presentation requests into business requests. In the user's point of view, he manipulates presentation objects as if they were business data. The mapping between business objects and presentation objects is ...
CaliburnMicro is a small, yet powerful framework, adapted for building MVVM Wisej applications. Its strong support for MV* patterns will enable you to build your solution quickly, without the need to sacrifice code quality or testability.
CaliburnMicro is a small, yet powerful framework, adapted for building MVVM WinForms applications. Its strong support for MV* patterns will enable you to build your solution quickly, without the need to sacrifice code quality or testability.
CaliburnMicro is a small, yet powerful framework, adapted for building MVVM Wisej applications. CSLA .NET enables developers to build an object-oriented business layer for their application that encapsulates all business, authorization and validation logic for the application.
CaliburnMicro is a small, yet powerful framework, adapted for building MVVM WinForms applications. CSLA .NET enables developers to build an object-oriented business layer for their application that encapsulates all business, authorization and validation logic for the application.
Databound versions of TreeView, ListView, Panel and Components.
Databound versions of TreeView, ListView and Components. BindingSourceRefresh, Form and UserControl versions that already include the BindingSourceRefresh control.
MVVM FX is a framework for building applications using the Model-View-ViewModel pattern. Data binding, Command binding and DependencyObject/DependencyProperty for Wisej.
Library for developing with the Model View Presenter pattern for .net
Interfaces for KsWare Presentation Framework. Supports .Net 5.0/6.0, Core 3.1 and .Net 4.7.2
Simple, flexible, interactive and powerful data visualization for Wpf. This fork is based on
This component allows the Enterprise Library Validation Application Block to integrate with WPF.
The magic-free Caliburn.Light, a powerful framework designed for building applications across current XAML platforms.
A DuoCode Binding for the Knockout.BindingConventions library
MVVM FX is a framework for building applications using the Model-View-ViewModel pattern. Data binding, Command binding and DependencyObject/DependencyProperty for WinForms.