Top 20 NuGet polly Packages

Polly.Caching.IDistributedCache is a plug-in for the .NET OSS resilience library Polly, supporting Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed.IDistributedCache as a provider for Polly's CachePolicy.
ESI.NET processes ESI tags
Wrapper for RestSharp that provides resilience via the Polly library.
This is a light AOP framework that allows you to use Polly to handle exceptions with some policies like circuit break or fallback and so on of your .net core application.It's like Hystrix from Java Platform.
A simple, high performance RPC library.
A simple, high performance RPC library.
A simple, high performance RPC library.
A simple, high performance RPC library.
An enhanced scheduler based on hangfire
An enhanced scheduler based on hangfire
The collection of Polly Policies for System.Data.SqlClient.
Jabberwocky package for circuit-breaker and error handling of renderings
Xamarin.Android binding library - AWS Core
RedisRetry is a library that you can add to your project that will extend your IDatabase interface. It provides retry functionality (using Polly) for common Redis commands.
一个基于GRPC的简单微服务框架 1.服务注册和发现 2.服务自动负载均衡 3.服务端中件间(性能监控[日志],全局错误处理,手动熔断) 4.客户端中件间(认证,超时时间设置) 5.DashBoard(远程调用,手动熔断,日志输出控制) 6.Grpc CodeFirst
Configure Polly by using a Dynamic Proxy.
A simple, high performance RPC library.
A simple, high performance RPC library.
A simple, high performance RPC library.
A simple, high performance RPC library.