Top 20 NuGet plugins Packages

Update the currencies exchange rate easily from the official exchange reference rates of European Central Bank and Russia Central Bank
A tool to allow users to compare different security roles for the individual privileges
A Xamarin.Forms gesture pattern view. This is an Android-like gesture pattern view you can use for logins.
Use Azure NotificationHub in your Xamarin Forms projects
Use a branded Google SignIn button in your Xamarin iOS and Android apps
Manage the Reassign cascade rules for activities
Download plug-ins from CRM database.
Version, size and content comparer for different components of CRM.
Global search for various objects throughout the system.
Install solutions developed by Dynamics CRM/365 community
Receive and handle firebase push notifications across Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android
A XrmToolBox Plugin that helps in the attribute and entity audit analysis.
Analyze relationships and related data on Microsoft Dynamics 365/CRM. This tool will answer questions like: - If I delete A, what orphaned children will be left? - If I reassign B, what other records will follow? - Why can't I delete C? 1. Select a record using record ...
Autopublish of Plug-ins and Web Resources, when it changed.
Adds recommended isolation/accelerator projects for use with the DLaB.Xrm and XrmUnitTest framework to your Visual Studio solution.
Manage activation/deactivation of Microsoft Dynamics 365 workflows
Receive and handle azure push notifications across Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android
Create a new jscript file to track client insights by integrating it with Azure Application Insights. Bulk update all the required forms with the App Insights jscript.