Top 20 NuGet plugin Packages

dotbpe-plugin 是微服务框架dotbpe的插件集,DotBPE.Plugin.Nlog 提供了对Nlog的包装,可以在DotBPE中方便的使用Nlog类库 输出日志文件
Simplifies the plumbing necessary for creating Microsoft Dataverse (and Dynamics 365) plugins.
SiteServer CMS 短信发送插件
SiteServer CMS 用户登录插件
This plugin, built on top of the Sqlite-net library, allows you to add a SqLite database to your projects with a sigle line of code
Strong Typed controls using the IWebElement methods, but only exposing the functions required for each control type.
Run annotated methods on the Main Thread
Xamarin Forms Tabbed page or view. Xam.TabView Features - Tab Header Customization (Header Height/Color/Content). - Tab Contet Page/View customization. - Tab Header Positioning (Top/Bottom) - Tab Page/Content change events.
A library with useful methods, used by Terra plugins.
SiteServer CMS 互动交流插件
SiteServer CMS 内容点击量插件
Provides reusable implementation utilities for plugin and workflow activity development.ces
This package contains reference assemblies for creating Digi3D.NET extensions such as commands, search engines, etc. A Digi3D.NET license is required to run applications that use the assemblies published by this package. Rent a license at or buy a license at h...
LogArchive is a plugin package for Rhetos development platform. It allows archiving the *Common.Log* in order to improve the performance of logging, and integrates the log archive into the existing auditing features.
A class library containing interfaces, responses and exceptions to help build docker volume plugins with dotnet.
Minimal ReSharper compiled extension that dectect if class name contains 'Foo' and displays a warning