Top 20 NuGet plot Packages

Unofficial C# wrapper for Plotly's Streaming and REST APIs
Simple, flexible, interactive and powerful data visualization for Wpf. This fork is based on
MSChartWrapper is a wrapper around Microsoft chart control for Win32. If you wish to create a simple line-chart or column-chart but do not want to dive into the API for Microsoft Chart Control, this is for you. Its API enables one to easily plot a series with a few function calls, or pop the chart ...
A library to deal with GnuPlot - -- View lib documentation:
An object graph mapping library for .Net
An object graph mapping library for .Net
simple draw lib 4 xamarin workbook
A lightweight library for embedding Matlab output window (graphs, plots) inside C# WPF x64 applications.
GG.Net lets Data Scientists and Developers create flexible charts for .Net in C# and F#
GG.Net lets Data Scientists and Developers create flexible charts for .Net in C# and F#
GG.Net lets Data Scientists and Developers create flexible charts for .Net in C# and F#
Interactive plotting library for drawing and editing charts with HighCharts or Plotly
Librairie de routines graphiques Développée en C# et Python But : afficher des courbes et des signaux , notamment des FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) et DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform). Mais cette librairie peut etre utilisée pour afficher toutes formes de courbes et signaux. Librairie utilisée, not...
Simple, flexible, interactive and powerful data visualization for .Net. This fork is based on