Top 20 NuGet persistence Packages

DataVeryLite is a lightweight *Persistence Framework*.
Drop in persistence with RavenDb for FubuMVC / StructureMap applications
Foundation framework for basic persistence scenarios
Lucas Solutions Core Persistence
SQL Server utilities to support Atlas.Persistence
SimplePersistence.UoW.EFCore offers implementations to the SimplePersistence.UoW using the Entity Framework Core as the ORM.
SimplePersistence.Model.EFCore extends the SimplePersistence.Model package by exposing dedicated Entity Framework Core extension methods and classes.
Algorithms used to persist object state - shared resources
Algorithms used to persist object state with Entity Framework Core
AggregateSourceAsync is an async capable version of AggregateSource project.
Implementation for persistence using Entity Framework Core
Implementation for persistence using Entity Framework Core
Proto.Persistence driver for PosgreSQL database
Implementation for persistence using Entity Framework Core
Storage queries and mutations for .NET Core.
Storage queries and mutations for .NET Core.
Storage queries and mutations for .NET Core.
Persistent Hash Table using Esent for .NET
Adds support for logging via log4net for DataObjects.Net
Adds some base implementations for using repositories and unit of work pattern with the Entity Framework