Top 20 NuGet pdf Packages

PDF generating library for Xamarin.Forms View
EVO PDF Merge Library for .NET Core can be easily integrated in your applications targeting the .NET Core or .NET Standard to merge multiple PDF documents in a single PDF document. This version of the library is compatible with .NET Core and .NET Standard on Windows 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) pl...
The leading framework for displaying, annotating and editing PDFs on iOS, Android, Windows, Electron and the Web. The PSPDFKit Xamarin SDK is being sunset and replaced by Nutrient .NET for iOS (formally PSPDFKit .NET for iOS). All Xamarin SDK licenses will remain valid and fully support...
The plugin support scanning and generating pdf documents
Pdfjs for .net
HTML to PDF converter (WkHtmlToPdf wrapper) for C#/.NET. Open source
Native 32-bit PDFium DLL for Windows with V8 and XFA support.
Native 32-bit PDFium DLL for Windows without V8 or XFA support.
Native 64-bit PDFium DLL for Windows with V8 and XFA support.
Native 64-bit PDFium DLL for Windows without V8 or XFA support.
Updated fork of PdfiumViewer, PDF viewer based on PDFium, ported to .NET Core and .NET 6.
Native library for rendering HTML into PDF and various image formats
This client library enables easy generation of PDF invoices. See for further information.
PDF rendering engine.
A convenience package for using wkhtmltopdf.exe in a .NET project. This only includes wkhtmltopdf.exe and not wkhtmltoimage.exe. Use for Windows Vista + (see for details)
Xamarin Library Packaged version of iTextSharpLGPL-Monotouch and iTextSharpLGPL-MonoForAndroid, based on iTextSharp v.4.1.6
The ghostscript dlls. To be used with Ghostscript.NET or Ghostscriptsharp.
Updated Version of DinkToPdf
PDFium library binaries for windows (pdfium_x64.dll, pdfium_x86.dll). Libs from repo:
PDFium library binaries for linux (,, Libs from repo: