Top 20 NuGet pcl Packages
Common.Logging.Core contains the portable (PCL) implementation of the Common.Logging low-level abstractions common to all other Common.Logging packages.
Get network connectivity information such as network type, speeds, and if connection is available. Additional functionality includes the ability to ping a specific host and port number. Ensure you have proper permissions set by reading the README.
Provides a simple solution for getting access to the current Activity of the application when developing a Plugin for Xamarin.
This will lay down a base "application" class for developers in their Android application with boilerplate code to get them started.
Provides server logging functionality that use Entity Framework for the storage.
A SQLitePCL.raw 'provider' bridges the gap between SQLitePCLRaw.core and a particular instance of the native SQLite library. Install this package in your app project and call SQLitePCL.raw.SetProvider(new SQLitePCL.SQLite3Provider_e_sqlite3()); Depending on the platform, you may also need to add o...
This package provides the functionality to utilize the features of Syncfusion Xamarin Scheduler control and more.
The MVVM Light Toolkit is a set of components helping people to get started in the Model-View-ViewModel pattern in Silverlight, WPF, Windows Phone, Windows 10 UWP, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Forms. It is a light and pragmatic framework that allows you to pick which components you want to ...
The MVVM Light Toolkit is a set of components helping people to get started in the Model-View-ViewModel pattern in Silverlight, WPF, Windows Phone, Windows 10 UWP, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Forms. It is a light and pragmatic framework that allows you to pick which components you want to ...
WebClientPrint for ASP.NET is a plugin-free solution for Client-side Raw Printing scenarios for Windows, Linux, Raspberry Pi & Mac clients, exclusively designed for ASP.NET Core, MVC and WebForms. With WebClientPrint, you can easily send raw data, text and native commands to printers installed a...
PCL Storage provides a consistent, portable set of local file IO APIs for .NET, Windows Phone, Windows Store, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, and Silverlight. This makes it easier to create cross-platform .NET libraries and apps.
PCL Crypto provides a consistent, portable set of crypto APIs for .NET 4.5, Windows Store, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android. This makes it easier to create cross-platform .NET libraries and apps. Crypto functionality includes asymmetric and symmetric encryption and signatures, and key derivation. PCLCry...
Provides GPS location services for Crosslight development.
A SQLitePCL.raw 'provider' bridges the gap between SQLitePCLRaw.core and a particular instance of the native SQLite library. Install this package in your app project and call SQLitePCL.raw.SetProvider(new SQLitePCL.SQLite3Provider_e_sqlite3()); Depending on the platform, you may also need to add o...
Provides peripheral connectivity services for Crosslight development.
This package provides the functionality to utilize the features of Syncfusion Xamarin SignaturePad control and more.
A library for building REST API client wrappers to be used by .NET Standard 2.0 apps.
A source code package designed primarily for library and framework authors who want dependency free logging support in their component. Also useful in end applications. As of 5.0.0 it works with NetStandard2.0 and SDK projects. For legacy csproj format support use 4.x versions.
If you are a library...
Receive information about the device that you are using. Properties such as Model, Operating System, Version, Id, and even the ability to generate a unique Id for your application based off of these properties.
This is the core RestSharp.Portable library which contains mostly interfaces to allow dependent libraries to use as few dependencies as possible.
Supported Platforms:
- .NET Standard 1.0
- .NET Framework 4
- Silverlight 5
- Portable Class Libraries (Profiles 259 and 328)
Some kind of a RestSharp port to PCL. This is not related to the RestSharp project at all!
Supported Platforms:
- .NET Standard 1.1
- .NET Framework 4
- Silverlight 5
- Portable Class Libraries (Profiles 259 and 328)