Top 20 NuGet parameters Packages

Console application to execute Merlin configuration management through text commands.
If we have to navigate back to previous path in ASP.NET MVC and meantime we need to preserve the parameters in the previous path, a developer needs to take care of all of the parameters during redirect action and in view for the link to previous action. To get rid of this tedious task, this framewor...
Inspections. Domain objects. Shipping models. Fast thread-safe cache. Cryptographic salted hashes. Enumeration type converter. Validator extensions. Sample data randomizers.
Quickly handle command line arguments. This NuGet package adds an example arguments handler class, where you describe your arguments using a simple poco objects. All the boilerplate code to create the usage message is done for you. You can take action on set or after all arguments are set. This NuGe...
User inteface styling for HTML entities for TAF test automation framework
ScriptStash is a C# code loader for text/script files manipulation. It loads each script file once. Keeping it stored in-memory, ready to be used for any applicative reuse over and over.
This library facilitates the creation of dynamic parameters for PowerShell cmdlets written in .NET
Easy and seamless caching implementation of any virtual method in any class.
Command-Line Parameters Parsing
Library for simple user-supplied argument handling.
StructureMap adapter for CommandLineInjector
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection DI adapter for CommandLineInjector
Lamar adapter for CommandLineInjector
Autofac adapter for CommandLineInjector
Parameter binding + Dependency Injection for .NET Core console apps.
Provides a handful of helpful extension methods for use during verification of Microsoft Roslyn Code Analysis, Code Generation, and so on. The package is intentionally left bereft of specific unit test framework dependencies.
Library was created for logging method calls, exceptions, property changes and additional data selected by the user from a solution, and saving the logs in a file with clear, transparent and readable format. Currently logger works only with .Net Framework.
Provides the basis for a first class experience specifying SAT-CP solver parameters.