Top 20 NuGet parallel Packages

A collection of utilities that encapsulate common concurrency patterns and constructs for use with the Hopac concurrency library.
Provides multithreaded Linq-Like extensions for arrays and lists.
Parallel Task Queue Reactive Extensions - .NET Standard Library Simple way to process tasks in parallel queues
Useful extensions contribution by Bnaya Eshet Blog: Source Code: # NuGet this library available on NuGet via Install-Package Bnaya.CSharp.AsyncExtensions ## This library have the follo...
RabbitMQ.Async is a thin wrapper over the official RabbitMQ.Client library that provide integration with Microsoft TPL
A compiler, runtime, and API for GP-GPU computing using C# or any other NET language, for Windows and Ubuntu x64.
Gear for leveraging multi-core processors to get things done faster.
Provides classes for the batched paralellized Select operation.
Easy to use SIMD accelerated span and array methods Now each method in SimdOps is generic, instead of SimdOps<T>, i.e SimdOps.Abs<T>() instead of SimdOps<T>.Abs().
PowerShell v2.0+ module for parallel data processing. Split-Pipeline splits the input, processes parts by parallel pipelines, and outputs results. It may work without collecting the whole input, large or infinite.
The AppSpace makes asynchronous, parallel and distributed communication easy. It provides a flexible and intuitive messaging model that fits to every kind of distribution and parallelization scenario. It supports different transport services like TCP, MSMQ, Jabber and Azure. It makes parallel progra...
Belz.QueueProvider.IronMq is an IronMq service implementation for Belz Queue Provider interface
dI.Hook is a Hook Repository and Container using AOP
Redistributable components for package 'tbb'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
[Portable] A throttling lib, allowing you using a small reusable resources in a parallel way q: [email protected]
Outsorcery is an open-source library for adding distributed computing capabilities to your software. It is scalable, customisable and asynchronous.
Sticky Shared Resources is designed to help you manage shared memory between multiple threads. It allows you to: * Create resources associated to C# objects * Acquire these resources in much the same way you might "acquire" a semaphore. * Connect resources together. If you acquire a resource, this p...
The GhostLine producer consumer class makes one or many parallel processing pipelines easy to develop and manage.
Provides parallel compression extensions to IO streams for .NET