Top 20 NuGet pager Packages

Easy to use paginator for ASP.NET MVC
PagedList makes it easier for .Net developers to write paging code. It allows you to take any IEnumerable(T) and by specifying the page size and desired page index, select only a subset of that list. PagedList also provides properties that are useful when building UI paging controls.
Simple paging model and extension methods to help page data.
BootstrapSimplePager uses Bootstrap pager UI ( It mainly adds the querystring in the page URL like It is designed for ASP.NET Web Forms. The pager is fully customizable. Steps to use it: 1) The Nuget package automatica...
Provides a bindable Android ViewPager for use with MvvmCross bindings.
Provides abstractions used as part of adding pagination support to LINQ.
Provides extension methods to augment LINQ-to-Objects with pagination.
Provides an extension method to materialize a paginated query. This package is for Entity Framework Core. For an identical API on Entity Framework 6.x, see `FGS.Linq.Extensions.Pagination.EntityFramework6`.
Provides an extension method to materialize a paginated query. This package is for Entity Framework 6.x. For an identical API on Entity Framework Core, see `FGS.Linq.Extensions.Pagination.EntityFrameworkCore`.
Provides abstractions used as part of adding pagination support to LINQ-to-IQueryable.
Provides extension methods to augment LINQ-to-IQueryable with pagination.
anh.pagger 定制版, Pagination compoment for ASP.NET Core Mvc 2.0+,带 EF Core 分页扩展。带 cyqdata 分页扩展。