Top 20 NuGet page Packages

IQueryable extension methods and models to perform common table queries like filteration, sorting, and pagination.
Bottom Sheet implementation for Xamarin Forms
The framework provides an easy to use layer for writing Selenium tests using the Page Object Pattern. Based on XML, you can automatically generate all necessary C# classes, which will represent the tested websites. For more details see Project Site.
Pioneer.Pagination is an ASP.NET Core Tag Helper used to simplify server side pagination needs.
Windows AzureContrib is a community addition to Microsoft Widows Azure SDK with some nice ;~) additional features to Microsoft's valiant efforts.
Define behavior of your Ajax dynamic pages with NO Javascript code.
Library for creating and using Selenium tests with Page Object Pattern
Page binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
sensenet WebPages Installer contains the install content for the UI layer built on well-known ASP.NET WebForms technologies like pages, webparts and ascx views. This package contains installation items and should be installed only in a single web project. All other projects should reference the Sens...
sensenet WebPages is the UI layer for sensenet built using ASP.NET WebForms pages, webparts and controls.
Filtering, sorting and paging extensions for .NET IQueryable collections. Enables convenient server-side dynamic queries via Entity Framework, especially useful when working with dynamic grid controls, like Kendo UI Grid and DevExpress, where you don't want to have to implement individual fil...
A lightweight and easy to use dynamic pager libery for Mvc 4 and up, written in C#. Compatible with bootstap 3 and 4
Xamarin.Android Binding for Chrisvin Jem's LiquidSwipe.
A lightweight and easy to use dynamic pager libery for Blazor.
Allows you to render another Page's content (including widgets)
EntityFramework query extension for getting page data from database for views
Staatuslehe koostamise moodul AspNet rakendustele.
Windows AzureContrib is a community addition to Microsoft Widows Azure SDK with some nice ;~) additional features to Microsoft's valiant efforts.
Class library for accelerating Xamarin.Android development. Note: If you encounter layout inflation exceptions (could be masked as NotFoundException, or some issue with text_color_secondary.xml etc), make sure you define colorControlNormal and use a style with that attribute defined.