Top 20 NuGet owin Packages

Simple, lightweight, convention based web framework built on Web Api.
Wires an API project with Owin Authentication to add /Token, /RefreshTokens, /Auth/Register and /Auth/PasswordReset endpoints
Wrapper for Kleu.Utility.Web for utilizing OWIN SelfHost in the console
[Obsolete] User Lifecycle.AspNetCore. The Lifecycle library contains interfaces and helpers for wiring and running commands to execute during a web request lifecycle.
Polyfill for Kestrel based server implementations
Polyfill for Kestrel based server implementations
A testing framework that tests at the HTTP boundary, heavily relying on owin.
Extends the App.Metrics library providing a set OWIN Middleware Components which will record things like error rates per endpoint and an overall rate, request rates per endpoint and an overall rate etc.
AngularJS starter kit Spa secured server
AngularJS starter kit Spa
Polyfill for Kestrel based server implementations, powered by the Hopac concurrency library
Polyfill for Kestrel based server implementations
Support linq,extened function,Action,Func,Tuple,AsyncTask.. for .net framework 2.0
Some owin middlewares to log api request/response/exception using nlog
Some owin middlewares to log api request/response/exception
Data access layer for the Owin Framework authorization middleware that uses the Prius ORM
Module for DotVVM with dothtml files Status Page.
LiteDB storage implementation for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
This is an extension to SharePoint.Authentication library which provides Owin middleware and other tools to make fully SharePoint authentication based web application.