Top 20 NuGet orm Packages

OhioBox.Storage integration with Moranbernate ORM
.Net Core 2.0 SqlSugar ORM ,High-performance, lightweight
Dashing.Cli is a command line tool for migrating database schemas
Extends ADONetHelper library to ASE
SmartSql = MyBatis + Cache(Memory | Redis) + ZooKeeper + R/W Splitting +Dynamic Repository ....
Custom wrapper of SqliteORM for both iOS & Android
.Net Core 2.0 SqlSugar ORM ,High-performance, lightweight
Provides adaptations to use SqlFun with ODP.NET.
Common library for the Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO, OrmLite. Support for Creating and Dropping Table Schemas from POCOs, Complex Property types transparently stored in schemaless text blobs. OrmLite is a suite extension methods on ADO.NET's underlying IDbConne...
Allows creating cached collections of model objects, creating abstraction layer for MS SQL Server database.
Please see for more information.
Please see for more information.
Please see for more information.
Please see for more information.
Dapper.FastCrud is built around essential features of the C# 6 / VB that have finally raised the simplicity of raw SQL constructs to acceptable maintenance levels. These features leave no chance to mistypings or problems arising from db entity refactorings. Visual Studio 2015 or later is recommend...
Dapper.FastCrud is built around essential features of the C# 6 / VB that have finally raised the simplicity of raw SQL constructs to acceptable maintenance levels. These features leave no chance to mistypings or problems arising from db entity refactorings. Visual Studio 2015 or later is recommend...
A Normal ORM
the abstraction implementation for EF Core.
Micro ORM for Oracle DataBase
Micro ORM for Oracle DataBase