Top 20 NuGet orm Packages

A high performance Micro-ORM supporting SQL Server, MySQL, Sqlite etc..
A storage manager for Zen.
FreeSql 数据库实现,基于 Firebird
This is a fork of original Dapper.SimpleCRUD by Eric Coffman. It has integrated the following fixes and enhancements: - Added automatic casting for PostgreSQL JSON based on the presence of [JsonColumn] property attribute (
IDbTransaction extension methods for Dapper: A high performance Micro-ORM supporting SQL Server, MySQL, Sqlite, SqlCE, Firebird etc..
Extensions methods for NetTopologySuite geometries providing access to PostGIS functions on server side for linq2db ORM.
Google cloud resources for Zen.
The PPWCode Vernacular NHibernate SQLServer library version III.
The PPWCode Vernacular NHibernate PostgreSQL library version III.
The PPWCode Vernacular NHibernate Firebird library version III.
The PPWCode Vernacular NHibernate Castle Windsor library version III.
IDbProviderFactory implementation for MS SQL. Used on top of VkRadio.Orm, the simple micro-ORM base library.