Top 20 NuGet orleans Packages
Orleans extensions for configure cluster,reminder,grain persistence with Ado.NET MySql provider
Standalone hosting library of Outkeep
Azure hosting library of Outkeep
Grain interface library of Outkeep
Core abstractions library of Outkeep
Core library of Outkeep
An integration between AspNetCore.SignalR and Orleans to allow communication between clients distributed across multiple servers and backend services.
An integration between AspNetCore.SignalR and Orleans to allow communication between clients distributed across multiple servers and backend services.
An integration between AspNetCore.SignalR and Orleans to allow communication between clients distributed across multiple servers and backend services.
A persistent storage provider for Microsoft Orleans that scales on clusters. It is based on etcd. etcd is a distributed key value store that provides a reliable way to store data across a cluster of machines. It’s open-source and available on GitHub. etcd gracefully handles leader elections during n...
Embedded persistent storage provider for Microsoft Orleans for development purposes. It is based on LiteDB. Currently targeted to Developers that seek simple persistent storage as an 'in place' replacement for volatile memory storage that is shipped with Orleans.
Tool that registers performance counter categories for performance counters published by Orleans runtime.
Streaming utilities for Microsoft Orleans.
Default silo host process that starts a silo as a process.
Management tool of Microsoft Orleans for remote management of Orleans deployment.
Metapackage providing support for hosting Microsoft Orleans on Service Fabric.
A simple package including the main Orleans DLL from the september release
A simple package including the main Orleans DLL from the september release
Obsolete, use Microsoft.Orleans.ServiceFabric. This is now a dummy package which pulls in the updated package.