Top 20 NuGet ordering Packages

A Filtering framework. The main purpose of the library is to generate LINQ expressions for Entities over DTOs automatically.
Package Description
Use OrderByNatural for ordering text in a more natural way.
Library containing the Ecommerce Standards Documents for handling and transferring Ecommerce data in a platform independent way.
This is a library providing you with a means to use the OrderBy method from Linq but use a Method or Expression in the class responsible for sorting instead of the instance that's being sorted. For more information see:
This is a Libarary providing an implementation of DotNets IComparer that uses a Func to sort/order. For more information see:
Contains code generator to provide basic implementations for some interfaces. See project site for installation instructions and more details.
An abp application module group that provides basic e-shop service.
An abp application module group that provides basic e-shop service.
An abp application module group that provides basic e-shop service.
A .NET Core package to help in the process of consuming query data from APIs.
Defines [Derive] (DeriveAttribute) in global:: namespace; used to provide basic implementations for some interfaces. See project site for more details.