Top 20 NuGet oracle Packages

A library to assist with mapping of Oracle UDTs to POCOs.
The seventh version of the configuration-less, dynamic and self-adaptive database-first oriented Kerosene ORM library, with real full support for POCO objects, natural SQL-like syntax from plain C#, and advanced maps and lazy properties.
The Oracle provider of the
.NET 4.0 NDbUnit for Oracle targets; NDbUnit is a framework for managing database state during data-dependent unit tests
DbWebApi .Net Client Library.
Incredibly easy and talented micro orm library for Oracle.
OracleSqlBuilder is a data-access API for Oracle.
Latest Oracle ManagedDataAccess driver for NHibernate
Nequeo data Oracle provider component
.NET and Mono framework with support for Postgres and Oracle
.NET and Mono framework with support for Postgres and Oracle
Business Logic Toolkit Oracle Data Provider for .NET
Project written in C# to connect to generic database provider
ASP.NET Identity provider for Oracle databases.
Error log for Elmah that uses Oracle.ManagedDataAccess client
ELMAH error log implementation on top of an Oracle database.
An unofficial C# wrapper for Oracle Service Cloud (fka RightNow Technologies) REST API
BeatPulse.Oracle is the health check package for Oracle Database on BeatPulse
Provides a generic Mendz.Data-aware context for ADO.Net-compatible access to Oracle databases.