Top 20 NuGet operations Packages

Bulk operations extension library for Entity Framework.
Provides the Protocol Buffer Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) Descriptors. Note that we only furnish a subset of the AST for purposes of what we are doing.
Package contains Operations dll
Creates a angular template with code for view, angular controller, angular service, webapi controller to get, post, put and delete data to database.
Business layer utilities package
NuClear project operations logging
NuClear project operations logging based on Microsoft ServiceBus transport
NuClear project operations tracking
NuClear project operations tracking API
NuClear project operations processing
NuClear project operations processing API
NuClear project operations processing using Microsoft ServiceBus transport
NuClear project operations processing using transport based on MsSQL store
Provides an output implementation that sends diagnostics data to Microsoft Operations Management Suite.
Libraries for CRUD operations on Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Provides the core problem solver abstraction for use with Google OR-tools Constraint Solver and Linear Solver wrappers.
This is the SDK containing the models used for the Ungerboeck 20.92 API
NuClear project operations processing using Apache Kafka transport
NuClear project operations processing using 2GIS CorporateBus transport
This is the SDK Wrapper containing pre-made functions used to connect to the Ungerboeck 20.92 API